Garmin’s latest addition – OnDeck Hub

Bilge pump history

Remote Battery Voltage monitoring

Activate simple functions remotely
As boat owners, security of the vessel while unattended is concerning. Remote monitoring of the vessel can be handled by various 3rd party systems, but the choice is daunting and the implementation can be challenging. The problem has been solved by the Garmin OnDeck Hub.
It is a fully integrated solution, guaranteed by Garmin to provide remote monitoring of your vessels vital systems.
The OnDeck Hub provides alerts through a mobile or wifi network to your phone. As well as providing vital information relating to the location of the vessel, it can provide monitoring of functions like bilge pump activity, battery voltage levels, temperature levels and low water depth. The Garmin OnDeck Hub is NMEA2000 compatible meaning it listens across your boat backbone network and advise of important parameters.
The Garmin OnDeck Hub can connect to the cloud via the mobile network or your on board WIFI network. It is compatible with the Garmin Active Captain app for ease of use.
Ask Peter
Peter will provide information regarding how the OnDeck Hub can provide peace of mind in remotely monitoring your vessel. This closes the gap to allow you to monitor your baby from anywhere in the world and be in touch with vital information simply for peace of mind or to advise local support of any problems you may be aware of. Further information from Garmin.